Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is an individualized professional relationship aimed to improve the professional effectiveness and performance of managers.
In executive coaching the aim is:
Providing self-knowledge in a managerial sense,
To create awareness by working on the competencies of the person,
To reveal the existing potentials of the person,
To increase the motivation and creativity of the person himself and his team,
To enable the manager to discover his behavior, to recognize and change his restrictive beliefs, assumptions and attitudes
According to the research data carried out by the ICF (International Federation of Coaching), there is a significant increase in individuals' personal awareness, stress management, self-confidence, communication skills, teamwork efficiency and job performance after getting executive coaching. (ICF Global Coaching Customer Study). The person realizes his potentials with coaching support and learns to use it in the most effective way.
Corporate Trainings
These trainings are personal basic competencies and skills that provide the employees to have a higher performance and job quality. It also provides holistic benefits, creating synergies and loyalty among company employees.
Scientific information forms the basis of the trainings. Examples, applications from practical life as well as interactive games and activities are also included in the trainings.
Subject headings:
Stress and Stress Management
Successful Team Building
Effective Leadership
Preparing Mentally for Leadership
Relationship management
Conflict Management
Anger Management and Safe Behavior Development
Emotion Management
Strategic Communication Skills
Work and Private Life Balance
Coping with Difficult People
Time management
Deep Democracy in Teams