My Approach
as a Therapist
In my sessions, I mostly work with "Cognitive Behavioral Theory" and "Gestalt Theory". I would like to briefly explain to you what these theories are.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a combination of two therapy views:
Cognitive Theory originates from the fact that our perception of events affects our emotional responses. According to this theory, how we make meaning of events affects all our emotions and behavior. The main purpose in Cognitive Therapy is to see the connection between thought-emotion-behavior and create alternatives to our non-real thoughts and basic beliefs.
Behavioral Theory, on the other hand, tries to understand how individuals improve their behavior. This approach helps individual to reduce the dysfunctional manners while increasing compatible reactions using various techniques.
The purpose of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to develop healthier behaviors while generating healthier ways of thinking.
Gestalt , is a theory advocating that the individual is a whole and that physical, thoughtful, emotional and spiritual dimensions must be examined together in order to understand the person. It is a humanist point of view, arguing that each individual has potentials. By focusing not on the past, but on "here and now", it focuses on how one handles events in 4 different dimensions in today's context. The purpose of Gestalt Therapy is to increase the awareness of the person and help them take responsibility for their choices and change their lives.
Depending on the nature of the client's problem, I mainly use the theories I have listed above, and when necessary, I work by blending with the different opinions and techniques I have been trained.